What is the process of sending your packages with IPL Hungary?

First of all, it is important to have a printer as you will be required to print out the packing slip and the delivery note.

In case you are choosing to send your packages through MPL (Hungarian Post Office), you can simply visit one of the post offices to drop off your package.

In case you are choosing Packeta, you can access any Packeta points in Hungary to drop off your package.

Whichever option you choose, our colleagues can be contacted on the phone, e-mail or via the chat function, should you require any assistance or if you experience any difficulties.

IPL – International Parcel Logistics is the perfect choice for all because:

  • You can choose home delivery, PUDO or locker to send your packages
  • Safe and secure online payments on the webiste, no need for cash
  • Cash on delivery is available by cash or card

Home Delivery

Within Hungary we offer 24-48 hours delivery and all packages are insured until 50.000 HUF.

You can choose complementary services such as:

  • Cash on delivery: pay only when your package is delivered
  • Extra insurance until 1 million HUF

Thanks to our partners, there are several thousand PUDO locations where you can drop off your package. In case you are choosing Hungarian Post Office you can accesss and post offices as well. For the exact locations you can check our map.

You can choose complementary services such as:

  • Cash on delivery: pay only when your package is delivered
  • Extra insurance until 1 million HUF

If you would like to choose the locker option, you are provided with hundreds of options. Most of these lockers can be accessed 24/7 throughout Hungary, for the exact locations you can check our map.

You can choose complementary services such as:

  • Cash on delivery: pay only when your package is delivered
  • Extra insurance until 1 million HUF


We have created the below tables to be easy-to-understand, while also keeping it simple. Additional services are listed separately from our basic prices. Please note, that the below prices are for those partners who do not have a contract. If you are a business owner and send packages on a regular basis, please go to the pricing offer menu, where you can request your bespoke offer.

Basic services (without cash on delivery, insurance till 50.000 HUF)

Sercive Provider MPL Packeta
Weight Home Delivery PUDO or Locker PUDO or Locker
0-1 kg 2050 HUF 1510 HUF 1390 HUF
1,01-2 kg 2050 HUF 1560 HUF 1390 HUF
2,01-3 kg 2275 HUF 1610 HUF 1390 HUF
3,01-4 kg 2275 HUF 1660 HUF 1390 HUF
4,01-5 kg 2275 HUF 1690 HUF 1390 HUF
5,01-10 kg 2515 HUF 1885 HUF 2099 HUF
10,01-15 kg 3235 HUF 2240 HUF 2990 HUF
15,01-20 kg 3235 HUF 2360 HUF
20,01-25kg 5319 HUF
25,01-30 kg 5319 HUF
30,01-35 kg 7520 HUF
35,01-40 kg 7520 HUF

Our free services are available to all our partners:

Free Services

Service Provider MPL Packeta
Home Delivery PUDO or Locker PUDO or Locker
E-mail notification to the receiver when entering the package to our system Free Free Free
E-mail notification to the receiver once package is received Free Free Free
SMS notification to the receiver once package is received Free Free Free

We also provide the option for cash on delivery for our partners.

Optional charges – cash on delivery

Sercive Provider MPL Packeta
Home Delivery PUDO or Locker PUDO or Locker
COD charge 0-20000 HUF 400 HUF 400 HUF 400 HUF
COD charge 20001-50000 HUF 500 HUF 500 HUF 700 HUF
COD charge 50001-100000 HUF 800 HUF 800 HUF 1200 HUF
COD charge 100001-200000 HUF 1200 HUF 1200 HUF 2200 HUF
COD charge 200001-500000 HUF 2000 HUF 2000 HUF Not available
COD charge 500001-1000000 HUF 3300 HUF 3300 HUF Not available

For packages with a higher value than 50.000 HUF our partners have the option to have it ensured for an additional fee.

Optional charges – Insurance

Sercive Provider MPL Packeta
Home Delivery PUDO or Locker PUDO or Locker
Insurance 0-50.000 HUF Free Free Free
Insurance 50001-100000 HUF 1000 HUF 1000 HUF Free
Insurance 100001-200000 HUF 3000 HUF 3000 HUF Free
Insurance 200001-500000 HUF 9000 HUF 9000 HUF Not available
Insurance 500001-1000000 HUF 19000 HUF 19000 HUF Not available

Everything in one package, according to the needs of our customers. Our prices are valid for even a single package.


Our company is part of the small businesses of Ecommerce Hungary.

We have received the silver certificate from HVG in January 2024.

Customer Services: +36-1-49-00-280

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